You can reach over 19.6 million* listeners tuning into radio each week- that’s a lot of ears! 4.3 million people are tuning into listener funded radio.
The uniqueness of MSA is that 41% of our audience only listen to THEIR listener funded radio station**. This gives you access to over 1.7 million people who have not heard your brand on radio before. That’s 1.7 million new customers!
Other benefits of including MSA in your marketing mix is that our audience is engaged-and you’re on their radio station. The listening audience feel strongly enough about their radio station so they pay to keep it on the air.
Up to 60% of the revenue that we need to keep our stations on the air- comes from our audience; giving you a common financial interest- their Radio station!
As a result of this the average Time Spent Listening TSL is 9.9 hours each week*. Making our listeners completely dedicated and consistent, tuning in across all day parts and giving you the opportunity to expand your reach with our highly engaged audience.
*Source: Mcnair yellowSquares Community Radio National Listener Survey, July 2019, McNair yellowSquares, cumulative audience Monday to Sunday 5am – midnight, all people aged 15+
**Source: A national survey of CMAA member station audiences, n = 4467. Also, a national survey of commercial radio listeners, n = 1029. Research conducted February & March 2019. Australian Public data is sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistic. *NPS from Perceptive 2018. Australia NPS industry benchmarks 2018.